
Monday, October 9, 2017

Strange Happenings in Russell County

Daily State Journal - July 17, 1872


A letter from Lebanon, Russell county, in the Abingdon Virginian, says:

Quite a phenomenon occurred on the lands of Andrew Frailey, in Castle's woods, in this county, about two weeks ago, and I will now related as it was given to me by his son, Nelson H. Frailey, who says he went to the spring to wash, near the house, and after being there but a short time, his attention was attracted by an unusual noise, some three or four times, but observing nothing which gave rise to it, he started towards the house, and after waking some twenty paces, a report in the direction of the spring louder than he had previously heard, and not unlike the firing of a gun, arrested his attention, whereupon he returned to the spring, and to his astonishment found a large rock cracking and making reports as before described, at intervals the aperture in the rock still gradually but constantly increasing in size. These reports continued for about twenty-four hours, and on returning to the spring next morning, rocks were seen which had been thrown of various sizes, some of them weighing from four to five hundred pounds presenting altogether the appearance of some mighty volcanic eruption having taken place. Can you or some other geologist account for this eruption on scientific principles? A report of this kind was heard at this spring some eighteen or twenty years ago, but I believe no rock was thrown up."

Bristol News - January 18, 1881


A Shower of Blood in Russell.

Strange But True.

On the evening of the 6th of Jan., 1881 near the residence [of] Dr. Abram Salyer in the lower end of Russell county, Va., a substance resembling blood fell upon about one half acre of land, and on the 9th day of this month (Sabbath) quite a number of persons visited the spot to testify to the truth of the matter and say that it was plain to be seen upon the rocks and boards, and on some clothes that was on the fence.

I have talked to quite a number of persons that say they saw the blood or what looked like blood, and I have not room to double their statement.

Nickelsville, Va., Jan. 10, 1881."

Lebanon News - October 2, 1925

Russell County's Wonderful Madstone

[...] Some weeks ago since we published an account of the wonderful madstone owned by Mr. Counts [...]

Mr. Counts' communication follows:

[...] this madstone in question was not found by C. F. Counts but was found by A. K. Evans, a man of about seventy years, a native of Russell county, and still a citizen of the same. A man well known by many good people of southwest Virginia. Mr. Evans found this rock not it a cornfield, as was stated, but found it in the underbrush or virgin forest of the farm on which he has lived for about seven years, and still owns a portion thereof.

Now for the benefit of any that might be interested regarding the history of this stone in our modern days, we would submit the following. This stone was dragged from the clay by hauling heavy timbers over a narrow pathway, and was picked up through curiosity by the said Mr. Evans not far from forty years ago. Having been advised by some of his friends that he had found a madstone, he took special care of it until six or eight years ago, when he gave it to his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Counts who still has the rock.

We hare not making any claims for the virtue of this rock, but are willing to submit the record of the stone at work and allow that to suffice. This stone has been actively in operation especially since 1896, and of the many people visiting the stone to obtain relief from dog and reptile attack, from many parts in Southwest Virginia and adjoining states, it seems that a comparatively few have attracted the seeming true adhesive power of the stone. That is we would venture only about 10 or 15 percent of the patients attract the stones best efforts.

We have on our books the names of forty-two parties that the stone seemed to to stick to, more or less, and out of this number about thirty or forty per cent appeared to be of the more aggravated or severe cases. On such the stone adhered from nine to twenty-four hours, and even longer, but finally it finishes the job and quits.

Now we would further say that of all to which the stone has been applied as a treatment of both man and beast, the writer is able (considering of course our limited means of getting news from a distance), to record but one failure, and that was in the Bovine family. If we may detail this case with few words, would say that four or five years ago, a Mr. Anderson near Cleveland, Va., had a fine milk cow bitten by a dog, the cow's ear was badly lacerated and she was highly nervous and excited so much so that ht was very nearly impossible to confine her, so as to give the stone unmolested connection with the wound, for a reasonable time, which we think is necessary.

But notwithstanding its seemingly beautiful record, notwithstanding that many people hail it with their fond recollection, as their benefactor, yet knowing as we do that the scientific world has taken a step beyond the rim of mystery, and that medical science is unalterably opposed to the use of such agencies as a treatment. We would gladly tuck this cute little rock away in its little crown of achievement and its rainbow-like robe of many colors, and never-ending mystery with tender hands lay it away as a mother would her child, never to see it again in service, of only the public could be educated to not make long voyages to obtain the services of this stone as a remedy for their troubles.

Respectfully submitted,
C. F. Counts."